Launching chat reference, Facebook, Twitter & other social media initiatives in a University Library

Speaker : Mr. Tay Chee Hsien, Aaron, Senior Librarian, NUS LibrariesCentral Library (Information Services), National University of Singapore

About Speaker : Mr. Tay Chee Hsein Aaron joined NUS Libraries in 2007. Much of his work has focused on extending the digital reach of the library by launching chat reference, Facebook, Twitter & other social media initiatives. As E-service facilitator, he is in charge of implementing, supporting & strategizing use of the discovery service, link resolver, Libguides & LibAnswers platforms as well as other online services. Aaron was named an international Library Journal Mover & Shaker in 2011 & received a silver award for outstanding librarian of the year at the Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians in 2012. He blogs regularly at Musings about librarianship blog

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